Stuff Magazine, the world's best-selling gadget & technology magazine. Stuff is your expert, up to the minute guide on gadgets, gear, technology - and how to play with them. Our expert reviews and tests sort the best from the rest in digital cameras, cellphones, computers, games, fashion, wheels, lifestyle products and the weird and wonderful. Stuff is a magazine about technology, but it’s more about how a product looks and how it fits into the reader’s life.
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BRAINY BLAZE AND FUN DAYS Acer Nitro Blaze 7 • Considering a handheld gaming PC? Acer has just made the choice that bit more difficult…
STREAM • Summer's here but if you're motivated by gloom and darkness, here's a little cloud of angst and pain and woe you can take on holiday with you.
Baseline funky • This year it's the entry-level iPhone that packs the most appealing combo of price and feature set – here's why, this time, basic is best
The alternatives: Apple's new Pro models • The iPhone 16 may be this generation's best value pick, but the Pro range still offers the top level of performance. Here's how they stack up…
My mug buddy • Portable projectors are becoming a must-have gadget – can this cup-sized effort really shine?
TECH THE HALLS • Santa's elves are busy this year, and they aren't too strong with electronics anyway – so we've lightened their load by bringing you a Christmas Gift Guide so epic that old Saint Nick would be proud, with presents for everyone from gamers through to retro fanatics. Prepare to get spendy…
MOVIE BUFF • Got a loved one who can recite every line from every Fellini/Kurosawa/Spider-Man film? Here are some ideas that might shut them up for a few minutes…
MUSIC LOVER • From high-end audio systems to portable players, these shiny goodies will elevate anyone's listening experience whether at home or on the move
TECH NOMAD • Rugged backpacks? Versatile gadgets? Adventure awaits – and these are the gifts that will look after those who insist on straying off the concreted path…
FITNESS FREAK • From open earbuds to innovative accessories, these training gadgets will help them break a sweat and smash their goals (or at least feel like they are)
GAMING GEEK • As a real treat for the hardcore gamer in your life, why not take them outside to see what the sky looks like? Or, if that's just not going to happen, try one of these…
PHOTO FIEND • These tools cater to every level of shutterbug, whether they're just starting out in photography or already have a collection of lenses to rival an optician's lab
JUNIOR NERD • Interactive toys, educational gadgets, and the return of Furby. Oh, what wonders await to shape young minds as we train up the next geek generation…
RETRO HEAD • Embrace nostalgia with these modern twists on classic gadgets, including a sampler so fiendishly clever it might just get you burned at the stake
BUDGET BUDDY • You don't need to spend yourself into the workhouse to nab the perfect techy gift – at R2 500 and under, these parsimonious picks won't embarrass anyone
BANK BUSTER • What's that? Money's no object? We hate you. But never mind that – treat yourself (or someone you love) to some of the finest gadgetry money can buy…
The frame of the game • LG's OLEDs pretty much rule the roost in television land, but can this 32in 4K monitor get gamers on side as well?
PLANNING TO SUCCEED WORK • After the festive...