"We were all hanging out at Jack's house waiting for Jen. That's when Mateo's phone rang . . ."
So begins the third book in the Middle School Confidential series. This time around it's family life that Jack, Jen, Chris, Abby, Mateo, and Michelle are trying hard to figure out—for example, how to negotiate family rules, routines, and responsibilities. Like previous books in the series, What's Up with My Family? is packed with tips, tools, quotes, quizzes, and other fun features that complement the character narratives. The book offers expert information for getting along with parents and handling common concerns that come up at home. Readers will find advice for dealing with sibling conflicts, coping with divorce and life in a blended family, and being assertive when adults are genuinely unfair. The result? Teen and tween readers are able to strengthen relationships at home even as they become more independent.